And we happened to pass by the dinosaurs from Pee Wee's Big Adventure.
When we see a stone turtle, what choice do we have but to be on it?
These windmills are weird. And everywhere.
Check out our campsite. These rocks were very big.
The desert sky is beautiful.
Tent: assembled = time for beer.
Our coals needed help. But the taste of victory was sweet.
The desert is strange.
Apparently, this made sense at the time.
Mel C is truly the Queen of Campfires.
My mom bought me this multi-purpose tool for Christmas.
Here I am using it.
This was an accident.
And so was this.
Man, that's some tasty fare...
This pretty much says it all.
Between a rock and...another rock.
This restaurant was filled with many small items. We sat at the counter.
People in the desert are friendly.